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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of March 22, 2018

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting Minutes

March 22, 2018


The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Richard Breithaupt. Fr. Bill opened with prayer.


Members Present: Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Fr. Bill, Priest-in-Charge, Judy Allen, Alan Cragg, Charlene Connolly, Yvon Hive, Dick Emerson, Peter Lund, and Lee Perry.


Members Absent: Bev Whiteman, Clerk


Minutes & Financials: Darlene moved, and Alan seconded a motion that the February minutes be approved as distributed.  The motion was unanimously approved. Peter moved, and Don seconded a motion that the January and February financials be approved as distributed. The motion was unanimously approved.


Item of Personal Privilege:   Darlene Shoemaker presented the highlights of her life story. Darlene is a self-taught nurse and amazing women.


New Business


  1. Parish Profile:

Lee moved, and Don seconded the motion to adopt the Parish Profile that was set up and designed by Tom Connolly and Diane Kane. The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. Charge to Search Committee:

A motion coming from the executive committee to approve the Charge to Search Committee was presented to the Vestry. It was unanimously agreed to accept the charge to the Search Committee which is:

“We hereby charge the Search Committee to submit no less than two and no more than three names to the Vestry by no later than August 1, 2018.  The Committee shall conduct the search based on the criteria contained in the Parish Profile and shall operate within the parameters of the Vestry approved budget.   The Committee shall communicate regularly with the congregation as to the status of the search but shall reveal names under consideration only to the Vestry.  Once the call is issued and accepted, the Committee will take an active role in assisting the new priest (and family) settle into the community.”


  1. Greeters:

David moved, and Peter seconded a motion to revisit the decision made December 2017 to have the Vestry members serve as Greeters at both morning services each Sunday. After discussion the new motion which reads as follows was unanimously approved.


“All members of the Vestry (excluding those regularly attending the 5 pm Sunday Service) be scheduled twice per year to serve as a greeter at a service they do not normally attend/


  1. Thank you to creator of Parish Profile:

Alan moved, and Dick seconded the motion to have the Vestry Clerk send a thank-you letter to Diane Kane and Tom Connolly for their part in creating the Parish Profile. The motion was unanimously approved.



  1. Treasurer Report:

David Abernethy reviewed the financial report.  He also stated that he needs one more person to work on the audit committee.


  1. Ministry Profile:

Dick report that the Ministry Profile has been submitted to the Diocese.  He and David will talk to Canon Durning Friday morning (3/23) regarding the recommended the Rector compensation.


  1. Strategic Planning:

Fr. Bill said the Strategic Planning committee completed its work on 3/22/18. Copies of the Report will be made available to the Vestry shortly which the Vestry will vote on at its April Meeting.


  1. Farmers Market:

Peter said all is going smoothly. They cleaned up the fire pit area on the campus to create a at St. Paul’s Fellowship Area during the Farmers Market.


  1. Property:

Lee reported on the roof. Report is attached as Appendix A. Lee stated there is a concern on the mold/mildew area on the ceiling of the church. He will investigate the price and how to obtain access to a lift to be able to get to the area to clean it.


  1. Farmers Market:

Peter said all is going smoothly. They cleaned up the fire pit area on the campus to create a fellowship area during the Farmers Market.


  1. Communications Report:

Darlene presented the Communications report. The full report appears as Appendix B. She reported the office is very busy preparing for Holy Week. Pathway is scheduled to be ready May 1 with a report due date to the office being April 15.


  1.  Charles Baker, I Paul:

Fr. Bill reported that after the potluck dinner on March 15 and presentation of the one-person performance in the church, by actor Charles Baker was a success. $483 was collected from the free-will offering.


  1. Easter Egg Hunt:

Charlene reported there will not be an Easter Egg Hunt this year. Not enough little ones. She will make up book/Easter egg baskets and distribute them to the Vendor’s children during the Farmers’ Market on Holy Saturday.


  1. 2018 Budget Approved:

Fr. Bill reported that on February 2, 2018, the Vestry approved the 2018 budget, by responding  (via email) to Fr. Bill’s email. The proposed budget was reviewed at the  Annual Meeting held Sunday, January 28, 2018.








  1. Jubilee Celebration expense/income:

Dick gave the Jubilee Celebration income and expense report.

Total income = $13,321.08

Total expense= $11,312.09

Total fund balance is $2,008.99.

Upcoming Event

  1. Palm Sunday, Sunday, March 25, at 8 a.m., 10 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
  2. Stations of the Cross, Wednesday, March 28, at 5:30 p.m.
  3. Maundy Thursday, March 29, at 6:00 p.m.
  4. Good Friday, March 30, at noon
  5. Easter Vigil, March 31, at 6:00 p.m.
  6. Easter, April 1 at 8 a.m. & 10 a.m.
  7. Vestry Meeting, April 19, at 6:30 p.m.
  8. Vestry Retreat, Saturday, May 5, at Dayspring.


The time of the next meeting was set for Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.


The chair called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:17 p.m.  Darlene moved, and Don seconded.  The motion with unanimously approved.


Respectfully submitted,


Bev Whiteman                                                                         

Clerk of the Vestry 


Deborah Avery

Recording Secretary


3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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