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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of January 17, 2019


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2019


The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Fr. Tom. Fr. Tom welcomed guest Van Geoghegan, who spoke on the behalf of Deacon Mary Abrams and the Trivia Sunday that was coming up January 27. She invited the Vestry to participate in the games and said there were teams to be filled and many great prizes to be given out.

Fr. Tom and the Vestry thanked Van for coming and Fr. Tom opened with prayer.


Members Present: Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Fr. Tom, Rector, Judy Allen, Charlene Connolly, Dick Emerson, Peter Lund, and Lee Perry.


Members Absent: Darlene Shoemaker, Alan Cragg, Yvon Hive, and Bev Whiteman, clerk.


Minutes & Financials: Don moved, and Richard seconded a motion that the December minutes and financials be approved as distributed.  The motion was unanimously approved.





  1. Annual Meeting:

The Annual Meeting is set for Sunday, February 3, between the 8 and 10 am services in Trinity Hall.

To the budget committees, please have reports to the Administrative Assistant by January 28. At that time the report will be compiled.


  1. Rector Reports:

Fr. Tom reported he conversed with Darlene Shoemaker and will meet with her about resigning from the Vestry. Darlene is concerned about her health issues at this time.

Fr. Tom reported that our accountant noticed a great increase in the utility bill and did research. There is a leak. Discussion of possible leak in the irrigation and this is getting looked into. Ken Eastlack is looking into getting quotes for fixing the irrigation. Tony Kirkland is hired to do monthly maintenance on the irrigation system when it is fixed.

Fr. Tom gave a list of 4 possible candidates for the Vestry.

A report was given from Burton Tucker about the dishwasher in  the kitchen. Cost to fix is not worth it. At this time it is not in working order. Don will look into possible dealerships and deals on appliances.

Fr. Tom reminded the Vestry we would be having a memorial service for Fr. Frank King on Tuesday, January 22, at 2 pm.


  1. Treasurers Report:

David reviewed the financial reports. Plate offering was up this month. Total expenses exceed income by 35.9%.

Richard moved, and Don seconded the motion to match the January 2018 bonus for Deb Avery, Janet Ross and Eleanor Phelps, the three office employees at St. Paul’s for January 2019.

It was suggested that next year we look into a  raise in lieu of a bonus.


  1. Outreach:

Don reported the executive committee will put the Outreach on hold for a few years, which is around $8000. The monies will be used for the general fund of St. Paul’s. At this time ECW will do the Outreach program for St. Paul’s.


  1. Farmers’ Market:

Peter said this past weekend was the best attendance. They will begin to make hotdogs for fellowship in the courtyard again.


  1. God’s Gardeners:

Jim Crosby, Vestry guest, reported that Burton Tucker will be done with God’s Gardeners and the Farmers’ Market mid April. This is a cause of concern for the make up of the God’s Gardeners and the management of Farmers’ Market.

“I can’t imagine there is anyone on the Vestry that is unaware of Burt Tucker’s contemplated departure from God’s Gardeners and Farmers’ Market  with the concurrent result, the resignation of Jeff Page from his function of the management of our venders.

I have prayed to God that the differences that prevail can be amicably resolved so we can again focus on our main objective, that being our service to God.

I would propose a sincere attempt at reconciliation.

The status quo translates into the end our Farmers’ Market. Thank you.”


Fr. Tom said Burton had a special gift to bring together all the Gods’ Gardeners and volunteers as a special fellowship, a special ministry for St. Paul’s.


  1.  Trinity Hall:

Charlene reported that something has to be done to patrol the use of Trinity Hall. The hall is getting left in unacceptable state after it’s use by groups. She suggested the Sr. Warden or someone of authority write a letter or talk to each group about taking care of our facility.




The time of the next meeting was set for Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.


Fr. Tom asked everyone to stand and pray as the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Bev Whiteman                                                                         

Clerk of the Vestry 


Deborah Avery

Recording Secretary


3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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